Monday 5 September 2011

A Whole lot of Nudists With Some Nalu Bead Fun!

Chuck in a load of French nudists and 17 Janners and you have got yourself a lot of giggles and many strange faces....

Soulac sur Mer, a small french village in the south west of France, a place which seems to have many sights that you may not wish to see, and also some that are very artistic, such as the bunkers on Le Gurp, brightly graffitied with different images all shapes and sizes, as seen below on our mini photoshoot.

A group of 17 friends all from my home town Plymouth, got together for a much needed group holiday filled with sun, fun, surf and also as a surprise for the girls on the trip a Nalu Bead work shop which I was going to be running on day during our 2 weeks. 

The weather could not have been better there was sun everyday which meant it was perfect for hitting up the beaches, although these beaches did come to a bit of a shock when we turned up fully clothed as you do, although thats what we thought, sat in left, right and centre to us were naked bodies, we looked completely out of place! The sights we got to see were not to pleasurable especially the older men that casually wondered pass hanging loose, anyway this didn't stop us as there was some surf, only small but a really fun size, the picture below are of me and my friend Harry surfing Monitlivet.

Once the holiday was really getting going it was time for our Nalu Bead work shop, each of the girls got a kit consisting of the 3 beads, Coxos, Bali and Putsborough. I was there to teach them how to braid their own bracelet. Everyone constantly had a smile spread from cheek to cheek the whole time and where soo happy with what they had created, a quote from Tania who was taking part said " I have now got the bug for Nalu Beads I must go and buy some more to add to this they are amazing!". 
Hearing that makes doing workshops like this one so worth while, I have put together a short video of some pictures taken of the day.

Over all this holiday was so much fun and the company was amazing, it is definitely going to be the talk of our conversations for a long time.