Monday 21 December 2015

Frankie Says Relax

Stress is becoming more apparent in daily lives than ever before, especially around this time of year. Longer working hours, approaching deadlines and exams and social pressures are consistently putting us under pressure. Since graduating and starting a business stress has been more noticeable in my day to day life. As a result of this I have taken it upon myself to look at the best ways to help de-stress and relax during this festive period:

I read a post by Zanna Van Dijk who is a fitness inspiration of and took on board some of here thoughts and have given them ago myself and made them a little more suited to my lifestyle.

Relaxation should be part of your routine

For people who know me, I am someone that can’t do something at 10mph its always go go go. I have recently found myself feeling more tired and having a lack of energy. I have now realised that adding in a spot of relaxation to my day could help me feel a lot better. I recently read an article that suggests taking as little as 10 minutes per day to meditate, can help you control stress, decrease anxiety and also help to improve cardiovascular health. As a result of this I feel refreshed and I can work and train more effectively. 

Something that has be recommended that I haven’t yet tried is adult colouring books. Bringing out the inner child, grabbing some pencils and pens and sitting down and doing some colouring in. It makes you concentrate the mind on something else which is easy and relaxing to complete allowing you to forget about your daily stress. I think it is definitely worth the try.

Disconnect and get outdoors

In this day and age everyone has some form of technology attached to them, whether that’s a smart phone tablet or laptop. Taking timeout from social media and endlessly scrolling down news feeds can help us “connect” with those people around and also the surrounding environments. As a surfer my favourite place is the beach and its somewhere I can go to forget about all my worries. Whether its going in the water for a surf or simply taking my new puppy for walk across the sand it, clears my head completely and the fact that you can’t get any signal let alone 3G makes it even better!


So many people these days are working until 9 or 10 in the evening, coming home and literally going straight to bed ready to wake up at 6am the following morning. Taking some time out to catch up with friends in person over a drink, meal or walk and NOT social media gives a much more positive aspect to your day. As it is almost Christmas a lot of my school friends are now coming back from University for the holidays and its the perfect time to catch up after being away from each other since summer. So schedule in a meal sit down and have a good laugh to chill yourself out! and make sure you avoid talking about work!

Jess x

Wednesday 16 December 2015

10 Ways to Stay Healthy this Christmas

Christmas is only 9 days away!! I know, crazy right?! Of course with Christmas comes the endless amounts of mince pies, mulled wine and lots of other delicious treats. And of course the most important part enjoying the festivities with family, catching up with friends and enjoying some romantic walks on the beach or in the countryside with your loved one.
However this doesn't mean you have to unwind all the hard work you have been putting in throughout the year, so I have come up with 10 ways you can stay healthy this Christmas and still be able to enjoy yourself too, it's just all about BALANCE.

1. Indulge in The Very Best
Only indulge in the very best of your mum's, nan's or aunties chocolate specials, rather than all the cheap chocolates you don't really enjoy and are simply eating and consuming calories because they are sat in front of you. By doing this you change the mind set of deprivation and focus on one of satisfaction.

2. Buffet Brain
Now lets be realistic about this...Everyone of us is going to be faced with a festive buffet at some point over the holidays. But rather than filling your plate with complete rubbish try and fill it with foods that hold nutritional value.
A sneaky trick for those of you holding a buffet: rather than buying dips why not make your own guacamole and salsa? Its quick a simple and 100 times healthier for you. You can also make your own chicken skewers with roasted veg.

3.Stay Hydrated
With Christmas comes champagne, prosecco, baileys and many other alcoholic beverages so it is even more important to stay hydrated. It is recommended that for every alcoholic drink you consume you should drink 1 pint of water in between. Also drinking before every meal will help you feel fuller and therefore reducing the possibility of over eating.

4. Workout in the Morning
So no one really wants to go to the gym in the middle of the day when everyone else is at home enjoying some sort game or other activity families get up to over Christmas. The best kind of workouts can be completed at home and only have to be between 10-30 minutes to be effective. Some simple HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) exercises first thing can set you up for the day and if any spontaneous plans crop up you know you're not going miss out.

5. Get Outdoors
Completing a morning workout doesn't have to be the only way you stay active over the holidays. Get outdoors on a long walk and aim to move your body everyday. An added extra of getting yourself out is that you will get and added dose of Vitamin D making you feel more alert and less sluggish.

6. Pre Party Prep (eating is not cheating)
If you're heading on a big night out don't be tempted to skip a meal to try and save calories as you will starve yourself of the valuable nutrients your body will need to detoxify the day after.
Top Tip: aim to eat a well balanced meal a few hours before heading out

7. Winter Proof Yourself
The winter is always full of people walking around full of colds. Winter proof yourself by supporting your immune system and giving it a boost with these spices: turmeric, garlic, chilli and ginger. These will also make your food taste incredible. Why not try an make a flavoursome chicken curry using at least 2 of the above ingredients. Click here for a recipe

8. Alcoholic Choices
Alcohol = empty calories. If you are going to be drinking then sticking to spirits is better (calorie wise) then having wines and beers. The mixers are the main culprit for high sugar and calories, so instead of having diet coke, coke, lemonade or fruit juices try soda water or slimline tonic.

9. Take Care of Your Skin
Winter is a time that can be harsh on the skin due to the cold air outside and the central heating inside drying it out. To avoid the skin feeling dry ensure to moisturise daily, or try using coconut oil which helps your skin feel soft as it is full of vitamin E and healthy fats. Rub it into your face and body or put some in a bath to soak in.

10.Spend Time Doing What Makes You Happy
Whatever it is you decide to get up to this Christmas, be it a long walk, reading a book next to the log fire, catching up with friends or spending quality time with loved ones remember to enjoy yourself and do something that makes you happy.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Jess x

Tuesday 15 December 2015

A New Venture

Recently I have found myself wanting to add something new to my business and the way I use my blog.

Being in the fitness industry I am always coming across blogs that provide yummy clean eating recipes and new workouts to try. I love the idea of sharing all this however I want to take this idea and give it more of a surfers twist and also add in some rehab posts as well. 

I don’t just want to write posts about things I have researched but also things I have experienced so I will be writing reviews about places I have travelled, bikinis I have surfed in, training gear for the gym and for outdoors. Along with this I will be looking at running interviews with people I feel could inspire others to follow their dreams and be successful at whatever they wish to do.

So if there is anything you would like to see on my blog please let me know!

Jess x